Wednesday, September 22, 2010


          Dreams are part of the world upon waking into the real world.  There are many types of these dreams that aren’t just dreams but a part of reality now.  Do these mean anything or are they just remnants of the sleep world.
          Once upon a time in the world of dreams spiders had been attacking.  They kept getting bigger and bigger.  In the dream world these were felt as if real.  Finding a rubber spider seemed to keep these others that were attacking away from loved ones.  This was one of those spiders that look semi real that a person might find at a fair or park; prizes to be won in the real world but an amulet to keep creatures of the dark away in the night.
          Upon waking today I went to reach and shut off the alarm.  Then as I was reaching around trying to find the amulet, the rubber spider, I scare myself.  I can’t find it anywhere.  There is a moment of clear panic that the spiders are going to come and get me and the ones that I love.  I start scrambling around the bed to find my rubber spider.  Where could it be?

          Then my fiancé asks, “What are you looking for?” 

          I reply, “I don’t know.  There was this rubber spider.  Where did I put it?”

          “What are you talking about,” she says giggling at me.

          Then as I come awake fully I realize.  I start laughing with her and before you know it we are just cracking up.  I could have sworn that little fella had been real.

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